On behalf of the Conference Chair “ Dr. Ian McAndrew ” , we would like to extend an invitation for you to join our esteemed panel of Invited Speakers at the upcoming 2nd International Conference on Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering in Florence, Italy from March 21-23, 2024.
Key Speakers:
Ian McAndrew - (Dean at Capitol Technology University, USA)
Tammera L. Holmes- (Aerostar Avion Institute, USA)
Darren McKnight- (Senior Technical Fellow for Leo Labs, USA)
Nicolae Crainic - (Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania)
Maj Dean Mirmirani- (Dean at Ohio University, USA)
Jeevan Perera- (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA)
Rhea P. Liem- (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
We hold your expertise and insights in high regard and believe that your participation as a speaker would be of immense value to our conference. Your unique perspective and contributions are eagerly anticipated.
We hope you will consider joining us as a speaker and looking forward to hear positive response from you soon.